CyberCad is a virtual reality editor we are working on. It is the first component we've seen anywhere designed to be used by mind uploads.

Here is a simple virtual computer scene created with CyberCad. The screen is functional and is continously and automatically updated by the Windows operating system. It can be viewed from any angle in the 3d virtual world. The keyboard and mouse are functional as well and detect collisions in the 3d virtual world and forward information to the Windows operating system. Modem services to convert electronic information into perceivable thought are being investigated. Virtual computing services that allow you to work will likely to be one of the first things you will want as an upload, as running a robotic body and a physical interface will be more expensive. A custom code base was used to create the virtual world editor that was used to create the virtual world. This custom code base is designed to export dual eye feeds for your uploaded nervous system.

Here is a closeup of the keyboard component.

Here is a closeup of the screen component showing the hi-def quality up close.

The graphical components in our virtual world are reusable, if you need custom 3d programming, inquire. We have cad grids ready to go for custom cad software. We are interested in custom industrial, commercial, and scientific vizualization and simulation contracts. We will also consider gaming contracts. Custom 3d programming work will allow us to further develop our virtual world and 3d simulation code base while providing immediate income that could be used for scientific research.

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